Tête de Moine was invented by monks at Bellelay Abbey, in the Bernese Jura mountains. Originally the cheese was called Bellelay, after the abbey, but was renamed Tête de Moine after the French Revolution.
'Tête de Moine' means 'monk's head' and derives from the tax levied by the abbey whereby the farmers would provide one cheese for each monk during the season. Others say it refers to the tonsured appearance of the cheese when it is served in the traditional way - with the top sliced o and the rind cut away to a depth of 2 cm all round.The cheese is formed into the shape of a short cylinder. It has a rm, straw yellow paste and a spicy, fruity avor and aroma.It is matured from four to six months and receives regular brine washings which produces a red sticky rind.
Tête de Moine is often shaved using a special cutter called a 'Girolle' as shown in the photograph. Shaving the cheeses releases all the aroma and avors. Of course, the cheese can be enjoyed when sliced thinly on the cheese board and can also be shaved over salads and other dishes as a garnish.
產地 : 瑞士 / 侏羅州
認證 : A.O.P
乳源 : 生牛乳
顏色 : 象牙色到亮黃色(根據季節)
質地 : 細膩,光滑
風味 : 堅果及果香
熟成 : 四至六個月
(1) 已刨成花朵狀的但未食用完的部分,可放入保鮮盒再放置冰箱中的蔬果室保存。
(2) 若是塊狀的話,未食用完的部分,可用烘焙紙或是蠟紙包裹,放入保鮮盒再放置冰箱中的蔬果室保存。
成分: 牛乳(生乳),鹽, 乳酸菌,凝乳酶
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