3/7(Fri)-3/8(Sat) Le Comptoir Neihu Goddess Night: Le Comptoir Neihu X Nomade Taipei Special Pop-up

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Le Comptoir joins forces with the renowned Nomade Taipei to host an exclusive two-day pop-up event at Le Comptoir Neihu Store! This special occasion features a meticulously crafted five-course menu paired with wines handpicked by Yohan Morel, founder of Le Comptoir, promising a truly unforgettable wine and dine experience.
Le Comptoir Neihu
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In celebration of International Women’s Day, Le Comptoir joins forces with the renowned Nomade Taipei to host an exclusive two-day pop-up event at Le Comptoir Neihu Store! This special occasion features a meticulously crafted five-course menu paired with wines handpicked by Yohan Morel, founder of Le Comptoir, promising a truly unforgettable wine and dine experience.

主廚介紹 | Meet the Chef
The menu is thoughtfully curated by Chef Gilles from Nomade Taipei. Hailing from Belgium, Gilles embarked on his culinary journey at the age of 17. With experiences spanning Mexico, Australia, and France, he brings a wealth of international inspiration to his dishes. Settling in Taiwan, a country he loves, Gilles masterfully blends global flavors with local touches in his creations.

侍酒師介紹 | Meet the Sommelier
The wine pairing is meticulously selected by Yohan Morel, founder of Le Comptoir and a professional sommelier. Originally from France, Yohan’s deep expertise and passion for wine shine through in every glass, enhancing the flavors of the dishes and elevating your dining experience.

活動亮點 | Event Highlights
Five-Course Feast: Indulge in a five-course menu designed by Chef Gilles, perfectly paired with wines hand-selected by Yohan Morel.
Special Gift: Female guests will receive a delightful surprise to make the evening even more special.

五道式餐酒菜單 | 5-Course Food Menu + Wine Pairing

麵包與奶油 | Bread and butter

時蘿漬鮪魚佐辣椒檸檬油醋醬 | Tuna gravlax, chili/lime vinaigrette
搭配酒款:太空人酒莊 月亮粉紅葡萄酒 Chateau d'Astros Moon rosé 2022

烤哈魯米起司佐葡萄與蜂蜜/巴薩米克醋醬 | Roasted Cyprus halloumi, grapes, honey/balsamic reduction
搭配酒款:曼德爾 莊園 輪塔 托倫特斯 白萄萄酒 2021 Mendel Lunta Torrontés 2021

香煎鮭魚佐魚卵奶油白酒醬 | Pan-fried salmon, fish eggs beurre blanc
搭配酒款:貝蘭莊園 隆河丘村莊級 瓦爾雷阿斯 白葡萄酒 Clos Bellane Côtes du Rhône Villages Valréas white 2022

油封鴨腿起司三明治(搭配康提起司或葛瑞爾起司) | Confit duck grilled cheese sandwich (Comté or Gruyère cheese)
搭配酒款:貝蘭莊園 隆河丘村莊級 小貝蘭紅葡萄酒 2022 La Petite Bellane, red 2022 AOP Côtes du Rhône Villages

比利時巧克力慕斯佐香橙與阿根廷朱卡迪初榨橄欖油 | Belgian chocolate crémeux, oranges, Zuccardi olive oil


日期與時間 | Date & Time

  • 3/7(Fri)7pm
  • 3/8(Sat)12pm/7pm

價格 | Price NT$2,000 + 10%

活動地點 | Venue Le Comptoir Neihu Store(No. 39, Ln. 365, Yangguang St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City)

➤Please note that tickets are non-refundable 48 hours before the event.

Shipping Method

➤Please note that tickets are non-refundable 48 hours before the event.

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