Morbier cheese is very recognizable in appearance, with a pink-orange rind and light gray stripes in the inner core, which can be recognized at a glance. This cheese was born in order to make full use of the leftover milk farmers from the production of Comté cheese. Traditionally, the farmers prepared the cheese in two batches: they made a curd at the evening milking, which they molded and covered with a layer of ash and wood to protect it. After the next morning's milking, they lay the milk from the second milking on top of it, resulting in the typical centerline that splits the morbier's slice in half, it has little more than a decorative function, which does not change the aroma of Morbier.
In addition to sliced and eaten directly, it can also be eaten in the same way as Raclette. It can be melted and eaten with baked potatoes and charcuterie . It can also be added to thick soup to add milky and nutty aroma.
產地 : 法國/法蘭琪-康堤大區
乳源 : 生牛乳
顏色 : 內餡淡黃色,外皮橙粉色
質地 : 滑順有彈性
風味 : 果香,柔和,堅果味
熟成 : 二至三個月
(1) 小重點:吃多少切多少
(2) 小重點:因冰箱狀態不同,可每日固定將蓋子打開讓起司呼吸再蓋回蓋子
(3) 小重點:若保鮮盒有水氣產生,可用餐巾紙擦掉水氣
規格:100g ± 5g
成分: 牛乳(生乳), 乳酸菌, 凝乳酶, 鹽, 天然色素(植物碳)
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