Le Comptoir Breeze Pop-up Le Comptoir wine and cheese pairing tasting Feb time slots

Guided by Zoe Yang, co-owner of Le Comptoir and a professional sommelier, you’ll uncover the secrets of the cheese family and learn how to perfectly pair cheeses with wines.
Le Comptoir Breeze Pop-up
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➤Please note that tickets are non-refundable 48 hours before the event.

Love cheese and wine? Join us for the Cheese and Wine Tasting Event! Guided by Zoe Yang, co-owner of Le Comptoir and a professional sommelier, you’ll uncover the secrets of the cheese family and learn how to perfectly pair cheeses with wines. Taste hard cheese, bloomy rind cheese, and washed rind cheese, each expertly paired with a glass of wine, for a truly indulgent sensory experience. This is a tasting event you won’t want to miss!

Tasting Includes:

  • Three glasses of wine (white/red)
  • Three selected cheeses

Duration: 60 minutes


Meet Your Instructor: 

Zoe Yang Wine & Cheese Educator

With 10 years of experience in the hospitality industry, including 3 years as a professional sommelier, Zoe Yang is passionate about making wine an essential and joyful part of everyday life. Her expertise and approachable teaching style bring the world of wine and cheese to life, creating a delightful and enriching experience for all. 🍷🧀

Professional Experience:

  • 2008 – 2011: Tutto Bello, Taipei (Taipei’s hidden gem for authentic Italian cuisine) – Front-of-House Supervisor
  • 2012 – 2013: S.T.A.Y Simple Table Alléno Yannick, Taipei (Michelin 3-star chef’s Taipei outpost) – Sommelier
  • 2013 – 2015: Hakkasan Dubai (Michelin 1-star restaurant, awarded Dubai’s Best Asian Restaurant in 2014, 2015, and 2016) – Sommelier
  • 2017: Co-founded Somm Spirit’D and Le Comptoir with her husband Yohan Morel, establishing a leading wine and cheese brand in Taiwan.

LOCATION: Breeze Xinyi 4F Le Comptoir Breeze Pop-up (next to S&W)

Shipping Method

➤Please note that tickets are non-refundable 48 hours before the event.

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